Wednesday 5 January 2011

Day 5


Matt Keefe said...

Well, this has taken a turn I wasn't expecting, I have to admit... But now I'm left wondering about punctuation.

Ariane said...

Naked ladies already?

Simon said...

I've just realised that I don't need to use the new post alerts any more. Simply click my bookmark on a daily basis and pop... another word.

Your artwork is always good but I do particularly like your comic strip style.

Graham said...

Matt - there will be full punctuation. I just haven't got to any yet. I'm also hoping to observe correct capitalisation.

Ariane - she's wearing tiger feet slippers and a cummerbund.

Simon - yes, post alerts will be somewhat redundant this year. I'm not sure how you can unsubscribe either so apologies for the torrent of unwanted emails. I suppose you could always block them.