Thursday 28 July 2011

Without further undo...

Given my track record it's probably unwise to do this, but I hereby announce my intention to create and post some 'proper' artwork, which is likely to include another blog revamp. For the past few years just about everything I've done in a creative sense has been digital and I'd like to move away from that and back to my Luddite roots. I don't think I've painted with real paint since primary school so I'm interested to see whether I can do anything useful with it. If the answer is no, this post will be deleted and you'll be expected to forget it ever appeared.


Ariane said...

No no, that won't work. It's seared onto my synapses now.

As ever, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with - especially if it involves a certain someone...

Andrew MW said...

I have screenshots :)

Graham said...

Ariane - I think you should keep your expectations as low as possible.

Andrew - I'm sure those won't be admissible in court.