You just can't get cooler than that. He's evolved his own crash helmet.
They also had some red squirrels. I'd never seen one before.An entirely uninteresting fact that has just popped into my head is that my sister used to work for the Guardian insurance group, whose logo was an owl. The telephone number of the Ipswich branch was 282820. Geddit? Genius.
There are more photographs on my Flickr page.
* I'm going with what seems to be the accepted punctuation, but why isn't it Mothers' Day?
** This footnote is purely to give you time to enjoy that joke before moving on. That's assuming that you, like me, read footnotes straight away rather than going back to them.
I too always consume footnotes immediately. However, this policy is now under review.
There are owls around where I live, I often fall asleep listening to them, doing what animals do, either hunting or mating.
Did you know the to-whit to-whoo sounds are not from the same bird but, in fact, is the combination of the noises the male and female of a particular species of owl make?
No, I didn't know that. I'm betting it's the male who's the twit.
He's a twit to woo?
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