Did you see
Stargazing LIVE on the BBC last week? As someone whose fascination with astronomy is tethered by ignorance, I found it thoroughly enjoyable. It answered some of the questions I raised in a
previous post, including confirmation that the fuzzy blob I was confused about is indeed the Andromeda galaxy (well done barriejohn), some 2.5 million light years away and yet visible with the naked eye. Mind blown?
Anyway, I thought it would be interesting to illustrate something as short as paces by using the vast distances between stars.
I saw it, yes. Big fan of Brian Cox, admire what he's doing to make science more accessible.
Is the only manipulation to that image the lines?
Like the image but am finding all this text hard to read on my screen.
Simon - no, I added most of the connected stars. Don't waste time looking for this constellation.
Ariane - don't worry, you're not missing much.
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