I received an email this morning asking me to spread the word about their new website, called 'Do Anglers Have Small Rods?'. Its sole purpose is to suggest that anyone who partakes in the cruel and unnecessary pastime of fishing is trying to compensate for having a small penis. I think it's fair to say that there isn't a great deal of science behind these claims, especially as it implies that all anglers are male, but it's quite amusing. The testimonials are the best bit - my favourite is from 'Mike in Newcastle' who says: "I got jealous just handling the maggots!"
But do PETA expect this site to shame anglers into giving up? Will doing so cause their penis to grow overnight? Is it really a good idea to insult people as a persuasive measure or is it just a publicity stunt?
Probably the latter. But, like the good PETA supporter that I am, I just wanted to share it with you.
Personally, I'm inclined to think 'what a bunch of dicks' and pointedly ignore not only this campaign but every subsequent campaign they put out. And I don't fish.
If we're going to point out behaviours that might possibly stem from a male sense of inadequacy, then the list's going to be a long one, and I'm not sure that fishing is at the top of it. "Buy this car, you've got a tiny cock" would surely head the pack, no?
I always feel a little sorry for blokes when this kind of thing comes up (so to speak). You never hear "Women who buy Louis Vuitton handbags must have really small breasts" (then again, we can't hide our chests as effectively).
I think PETA are trying to create an unwelcome association between angling and lack of masculinity. It might discourage a few blokes from starting, but probably won't discourage most of those who already partake in it.
Andrew - don't be mean. Throwing red paint over fur wearing humans is the work of heroes.
Matt - I think so, yes. I drive a Ford Fusion which is surprisingly spacious and very practical indeed.
Ariane - penises have always been fair game for comedy, haven't they? Most of it is probably generated by men themselves though.
Having showered with a few anglers in my time, I can assure you that the PETA assertion about the size of their tackle is true.
Although the evidence is patchy, the effects on the circulation of squatting in cold, wet conditions for many hours at a time is compelling. And the chaffing from waders doesn't help, either.
Anglers are also predisposed to deep vein thrombosis, increased symptoms of Raynaud's Sydrome, and piles. Though I should point out that these conditions aren't so apparent in communal showers.
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